FOLKS HAVE BEEN walking backwards for hundreds of years. Known now as retro-walking men, most did it for money, impulsive bets, going for the record, bragging rights, AND just because they could. It turns out that this eccentric hobby has benefits for both your physical health and your brain as shown by recent research.
Walking backward uses all the same muscles in the back, legs and feet but in a different way. Hamstrings are made more flexible, and your back, ankles, and feet are strengthened. Even your footfall is different. Instead of landing heel-toe, your toe lands first and pushes back to your heel, activating the muscles on the bottom of your foot.
Basic Movement
Basic movement is the mainstay of the Bonnie Prudden Exercise program and always barefoot. Basic movement is made up of running, hopping, skipping, jumping, galloping, and sliding in many directions — forward, backward, sideways, zigzag, diagonal and circles and at different heights — on the ground, low to the ground, standing and on the toes. Without these basics you will not be a good athlete, which is why the practice of walking backward, thought to have originated in ancient China, is now incorporated as a way of improving sport performance, improving balance, and building muscle strength.
Researchers have also found that walking backwards activates the prefrontal cortex in the brain, which is responsible for cognitive skills such as decision making and problem solving. Those folks who were stepping backward had faster reaction times and solved problems faster in tests where there is conflicting stimuli such as the word “blue” in red letters.
Bonnie Prudden Myotherapy and Walking Backward
When someone has sprained an ankle and it has been treated with BPMYO, the patient will often continue to limp. We have them start by walking forward to music which means they have to “hit the beat.” If the limp persists we have them walk backward. By walking backward to music, they don’t limp. Limping is not in the backward walking muscle memory vocabulary.
Once treated, some patients can’t help but overdo their new found freedom from pain by walking 30 minutes instead of fifteen or hiking the mountain instead of the hill. So back they are in the treatment room. At that point we remind them to listen to their bodies, use common sense, and BEFORE the pain starts, turn around and walk backward which not only confuses the muscles but gives them a break. Muscles need to be reeducated — and they love variety.
Walking Backward Barefoot
Best of all is walking barefoot which uses all the muscle in your feet. Feet have lots of nerve endings and they love the feel of grass, sand, dirt and rain. If you are up to it, find safe terrain and try running forward 25 steps and walking backward 25 and repeat and repeat. Your body, your brain, your mind and your disposition will be happy and thank you.
Songwriters Sammy Cahn and Jimmy Van Heusen created the Walking Happy song. Google it and you’ll find it — and enjoy walking backwards!
If you have questions or need help, email me at
For more information about Bonnie Prudden®, Bonnie Prudden Myotherapy®, workshops, books, self-help tools, DVDs, educational videos, and blogs, visit Or call 520-299-8064 if you have questions or need help. Enid Whittaker, Managing Director, Bonnie Prudden Myotherapy®