
Squats, Duck Walks, and Knee Bends

HAVE YOU BEEN told that knee bends are not good for you? It is NOT true, but it all started this way! The following is from the Sports Illustrated March 1962 issue. ~~~~~~~~~~ The Knee is Not for Bending Deep Bends and Duck Waddles Fall to a Texas Professor’s 20-Year...

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Muscles: Love Them or Hate Them in the New Year

  ARE THERE SOME exercises that you know you should do but you just hate doing them? Did you ask yourself why you hate them? When I was teaching exercise at the Bonnie Prudden School I required my students to set up an exercise program for themselves based on...

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Elbow Your Way To Successful Recovery

THERE IS ELBOW grease, elbowing your way through the crowd, joined at the elbows and rubbing elbows. We use our elbows without even thinking about them to hold doors open, to lean on them at table or on knees, or nudging our friend. You may not spend much time...

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A Weighty Issue

MOST FOLK UNDERSTAND that to lose weight effectively and efficiently a combination of cut the calories and up the exercise is a must. But What Calories? This may mean tossing out Old Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard and renewing it with the good stuff. Not so easy if you...

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Thank You for the Music

Thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing Thanks for all the joy they're bringing Who can live without it? I ask in all honesty What would life be Without a song or a dance, what are we? So I say thank you for the music For giving it to me —ABBA MUSIC, IN ONE...

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Wake Up, America… Move to Focus

IN 1933 VANVES, a tiny suburb of Paris, was the site of an 18 month experiment under the direction of Dr. Latarjet of the faculty of medicine, University of Lyons. Thirty children in the 11 year age who were judged to be the physically weakest due to hereditary...

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Get Fit a Bit at a Time

YOU MADE A PLAN but you didn’t start? You even wrote it down. But there it sits on your desk. Sometimes starting is the hardest thing to do. Success with anything rarely comes all at once. But you do have to start. When it comes to your fitness program, your I’m going...

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What Are You Waiting For?

  BONNIE REMINDS US in her book, How to Keep Slender and Fit After Thirty… “Seldom do wonderful things happen while we wait.” “If you do something often enough, it becomes a habit.” “You can’t turn back the clock but you CAN wind it up again.” Unlike the Tin...

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Diabetes: A Hypokinetic Disease

  IN AN ARTICLE by Jack Rutherford, November 27, 2021, entitled What is Hypokinetic Disease? he writes: “Hypokinetic disease runs rampant in this country. Since “hypo” means too little, and “kinetic” means movement, the term hypokinetic means too little movement...

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Why Walk Backward?

  FOLKS HAVE BEEN walking backwards for hundreds of years. Known now as retro-walking men, most did it for money, impulsive bets, going for the record, bragging rights, AND just because they could. It turns out that this eccentric hobby has benefits for both your...

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This Stuff Works!

Myotherapy is the best therapy for anyone in pain , with or without mobility issues. I took this workshop years ago with my mom, who had found what we call “the miracle of Myo”, after two years of chronic neck pain. It was one of the funnest most life changing experiences. I was truly inspired by all I learned about healing the body, I was finally able to get my license for massage therapy. I use Myotherapy in 90% of my treatments with results are beyond compare. I would recommend this workshop to anyone interested in bodywork or anyone who is in pain or has a loved one in pain. This stuff works!!!!!!!

Salinas Ochoa
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