This Stuff Works!
Myotherapy is the best therapy for anyone in pain , with or without mobility issues. I took this workshop years ago with my mom, who had found what we call “the miracle of Myo”, after two years of chronic neck pain. It was one of the funnest most life changing experiences. I was truly inspired by all I learned about healing the body, I was finally able to get my license for massage therapy. I use Myotherapy in 90% of my treatments with results are beyond compare. I would recommend this workshop to anyone interested in bodywork or anyone who is in pain or has a loved one in pain. This stuff works!!!!!!!
Absolutely Wonderful

In October of 2014 I took a hands on Bonne Prudden Myotherepy “Quick Fix Workshop” over the weekend in Tucson, Arizona. It was absolutely wonderful and I would highly recommend this class to anyone who has muscle pain or wants to help others address their pain.
BP Myotherapy was the only one that has eliminated my pain and spasms

In 1996 I was hit by a car, and BP Myotherapy was the only one that has eliminated my pain and spasms. After reading Bonnie Prudden’s book I have started doing quick fixes on and off since 1996 on friends and family, with fairly good success. And on the advice of various friends and family I went and got my Quick and Advanced fix certificates in Tucson, Arizona. My time learning from these superbly qualified teachers Enid Whittaker, Lori Drummond and Sandra Dirks was wonderful! Theoretical, practical and fun! Many thanks! 😉
What an incredible workshop!

What an incredible workshop! Helpful to me personally and professionally. The information presented was made easy to digest and apply immediately. I really enjoyed practicing the corrective movements/stretches and seeing how much more effective myotherapy is when these exercises are applied. And how easy to integrate into a massage therapy session…I love it, and my clients love it too! Thank you!!!
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