MOST FOLK UNDERSTAND that to lose weight effectively and efficiently a combination of cut the calories and up the exercise is a must.
But What Calories?
This may mean tossing out Old Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard and renewing it with the good stuff. Not so easy if you have a family with crunchy salt and sweet habits. However, separate cupboards are a thought and with a lock and key for them if necessary so that you can keep to your plan.
What About Exercise?
There are as many options as there are excuses NOT to: too expensive, too far away, boring, hurt me, don’t have time. Walking, running, jogging, a sport, aqua-exercise, yoga, tai-chi, Zumba, aerobics and on and on.
Don’t Forget Weightlifting
If you are planning to lose weight you also need to keep the muscle and preferably build more muscle. This can be tricky because muscle weighs more than fat so don’t be discouraged as you keep to your new eating plan, but don’t see a change in the scale right away or fast enough to please you.
“The first step in rebuilding your body
is to evaluate your present situation.”
—Bonnie Prudden
- Evaluate your present situation.
This is reason to get out your tape measure before you embark on your new losing weight career. You may not lose weight right away, but you may begin to notice the inches are disappearing. So weigh in, but also measure the parts of you that need work. Back to weightlifting, weight training, or resistance.
We need to be focusing on muscle mass and not just the number on the scale which is especially true if you have not been exercising or if you are older. With weight loss can come difficulty in walking and balance which is the result of losing muscle along with the weight.-
- Studies suggest that can be a concern especially if you are not getting adequate protein and resistance training to preserve muscle with weight loss. So eating enough protein and resistance training are key to staying healthy at whatever age.
- Weightlifting or weight training or resistance called by any other name, is a great body builder and absolutely essential to losing weight and keeping the muscle mass as well as excellence in any sport. There is just as much science to lifting weights as to any other sport. Do it one way and you improve strength while building smooth neat muscles. Do it another and you produce huge muscles and lose your flexibility. You are to do it the first way.
- Success is not a hit-or-miss affair. Success lies in the gradual increase of resistance. Build your strength slowly and methodically and you will not be in any danger of overexertion and strain.
- These days you can buy inexpensive and versatile ankle and wrist weights. My suggestion: use the ankle weights but HOLD the wrist weights rather than strapping them around your wrist. You will get the benefit without the injury.
Always warm-up before weightlifting. Always end with flexibility exercises for all muscle groups Because strength plus flexibility in the proper timing and intensity, give you coordination. You want to be strong AND flexible. Plan your weight training for every other day. Plan your exercise program for every day.
Here are some suggestions on how to begin.
Click here for suggestions on starting your exercise program. Watch the trailer to see if this is for you.
“Very seldom do wonderful things happen while we wait.” Bonnie Prudden
If you have questions or need help, email me at
For more information about Bonnie Prudden®, Bonnie Prudden Myotherapy®, workshops, books, self-help tools, DVDs, educational videos, and blogs, visit Or call 520-299-8064 if you have questions or need help. Enid Whittaker, Managing Director, Bonnie Prudden Myotherapy®