John F. Kennedy - photo from WikipediaIT IS SAID THAT each year the US population spends more money on diets than the amount needed to feed all the hungry people in the rest of the world.

The latest report from the World Obesity Federation predicts that 51% of the global population will be living with overweight or obesity by 2035 based on current trends, that the global economic impact will reach $4.32 trillion annually, and that at almost 3% of global GDP, this is comparable with the impact of COVID-19 in 2020.

John F. Kennedy famously said, “Don’t ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

Bonnie Prudden using The Ropes

When Bonnie was asked about her thoughts on Physical Fitness during an interview for the Journal of Physical Education: November-December 1969, she talked about it in 6 phases, which – although we probably haven’t thought about it in this way – we can agree with.

1. We should be physically fit to do the work for which our lives are intended.

2. We all must have enough strength to reach out to others.

3. We need a level of fitness to get us through each day’s work successfully.

4. We need enough fitness to meet emergencies successfully.

5. We need enough fitness to do the things we enjoy.

6. We need a high level of fitness to permit quick recovery.

Bonnie Prudden Sit UpWe all know what we are supposed to do to avoid becoming overweight: eat right and exercise… But with all the ads and shelves abounding in colorful packaging and discounts it isn’t that easy for many of us. However, if you hold on to President Kennedy’s and Bonnie’s words perhaps they will help you. Take fitness as serious business and understand that life is based on movement.

Understand that if you cannot do one bent-knee sit-up with your feet held down and your hands behind your head that you have 50% of getting low back pain.

BH FlexUnderstand that if you cannot stand with your feet together, knees straight and bend over and touch the floor that you have 50% chance of having low back pain.

Understand that statistics show that if you can do neither one of these and you don’t have back pain it is just a matter of time before you will have it.

See my 2018 blog to help you on your way to a fit and better feeling you and a help to your country that desperately needs you: “Ask What You Can Do for Your Country” – Bonnie Prudden Myotherapy.


If you have questions or need help, email me at

For more information about Bonnie Prudden®, Bonnie Prudden Myotherapy®, workshops, books, self-help tools, DVDs, educational videos, and blogs, visit Or call 520-299-8064 if you have questions or need help. Enid Whittaker, Managing Director, Bonnie Prudden Myotherapy®

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